Singapore Expo Max Pavillion
This concert, I've been waiting for a month and a half. When I first told my friends that Mika is coming to Singapore, 2 of them said they will watch it with me. But 1 can't go because the date happens to be her father's birthday. So then Kaitlin bought the tickets for me and her to watch Mika. And it was awesome.
We came there early, and the line was forming quickly but it wasn't that long when we got there, it got longer though. I was kinda surprised of the venue, it wasn't great especially for those people in the seating seats (the seats were those cheap plastic chairs). But when I saw the stage, I thought "this, is going, to be, stellar."
Mika was a bit late though, 30 minutes or so but when him and his band mates finally came on stage, the crowd went wild. He was, amazing. Everyone was amazing. All of them, were all full of energy. Mika's not the only one that communicates with the audience, so did the guitarist, bassist, backing vocalist and keyboardist. They did these little scenarios, one of them was when Mika just suddenly start killing his band mates with his gun shaped as a gun. After he killed them all, he went off stage for 5 seconds, came back and said slowly, "oh.. right, I almost forgot" and shot himself. He lied there on stage on top of a giant doll for 10 seconds, and start singing again.
Also at the start of the concert, I remember Mika went and jump on top of the piano and said "Let me introduce my band.... Starting with the most important *flips hair* ME!" and starts singing. I thought it was pretty funny, then he finally introduced this band in the middle of the concert, but he skipped the drummer. The crowd yelled for the drummer and he said "do I have to? *sigh*" and then he laughed and introduced the awesome female drummer with the afro.
Mika and his band mates went off stage at least, 4 times but they went back in straight away. They changed their clothing several times too, from simple black and white striped to flowery clothes. All of the band mates excluding Mika had these glow in the dark flower tattoos on their faces. Also there was a time when everyone on stage started drumming with trash cans.
The highlight of the concert for me was when Mika left the stage, and all of his band mates started to dance randomly. Mika then later joined them onstage again, and started to dance too. Oh and also when Mika threw an empty Domino pizza box to the crowd, that was really random and, weird.
Also the crowd, was a bit surprising for me. I am very stereotypical but who isn't anyway these days, but I've never been to a concert where all hipsters, pipsters, tweens, french people (there were a lot of french kids there), mainstreamers, parents, little kids, young adults, goths, scenes, metal rockers etc gather around in one concert. I think it was pretty amazing. So overall, I give this concert a good 9.5 out of 10
plus I am very happy to say that I got the guitarist's purple USA-made guitar pick. Oh and I developed a small crush on the bassist and keyboardist.
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