Best part of the movie, in mine, Kroovy's and Marigold's opinion. But I also enjoy the part where Sebastian and Charles were uhm buttnaked.
BRIDESHEAD REVISITED have you watch it? you should watch it, just the first half where Sebastian and Charles were bonding. It's a good movie, very good.Well I'm in Jakarta on a two-weeks holiday cornflakes, I love being in Jakarta because well I don't have any chores to do, I have my old stuff back, I get to sleep in my own cold room and most of all I get to see those people I miss most. What I hate about being back in Jakarta is mostly well just the people. Some people that drives me mad and not in a good way.
So I don't what else to write here. OH If any of you know where to buy a brand new record player, maybe a cosley, contact me asap! Either in Singapore or Jakarta, nothing through the internet, I don't trust the internet. Sorry internet.
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